defenderData Prime Training
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Staff Training (1h 21m):

Welcome & Introduction

00:00:00 - 00:02:00 Introduction and Overview
00:02:01 - 00:02:16 Discussion of Login Instructions Email

Installation & Login
00:02:17 - 00:03:10 Installation Instructions
00:03:11 - 00:03:59 Logging in

Home Screen 
00:04:00 - 00:05:17 Recent Client Panel
00:05:18 - 00:07:30 Search Menu
00:07:31 - 00:10:30 Creating a Case
00:23:08 - 00:26:00 Reports
01:12:06 - 01:14:30 Case Search Menu
01:14:32 - 01:15:50 Multi-Edit Menu

Case File 
00:10:31 - 00:11:00 Switch Client
00:11:01 - 00:12:38 Navigating through multiple cases
00:12:40 - 00:13:40 Viewing Logs
00:13:41 - 00:18:18 Charges Tab
00:18:19 - 00:28:18 Schedule Tab / My Schedule
00:28:19 - 00:34:26 Time Tab / Timesheet
00:34:27 - 00:35:40 Ticklers
00:35:41 - 00:37:40 Alerts and Tasks
00:37:41 - 00:39:25 Adding Notes
00:39:26 - 00:43:45 People Tab / Conflict Check
00:44:00 - 00:44:50 Motions Tab
01:11:41 - 01:12:05 Case Print Options

00:44:51 - 00:48:26 Documents Tab Overview
00:48:27 - 00:50:25 Linking Documents
00:50:26 - 00:51:53 Attaching Documents (Web & Mobile)
00:41:54 - 00:52:20 Notes
00:54:11 - 01:08:35 Templates and Labels
01:08:36 - 01:11:15 Auto Docs (Flags & Ticklers)

Mobile App
00:52:21 - 00:52:40 Client Information
00:52:41 - 00:53:41 Timesheet & Schedule
00:53:42 - 00:54:10 Tasks & Alerts

Admin Tutorial - Account Maintenance (8.5m):